(38) Makoto Otsubo, Hanaya Okuda, Ayumu Miyakawa, Takehiro Hirose (2024). Role of folds that develop near plate boundaries as inelastic deformation. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024. Oita, Japan
(37) 神谷 奈々, 濱田 洋平, 奥田 花也, 中元 啓輔, 内田 泰蔵, 細野 日向子, 橋本 善孝, 久保 雄介 (Nana Kamiya, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda, Keisuke Nakamoto, Taizo Uchida, Hinako Hosono, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Yusuke Kubo) (2024). 日本海溝における上部プリズムの物理的・構造的特徴と形成過程 (Characteristics of physical property and structure and the formation process of the Upper Prism in the Japan Trench). 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). 山形 (Yamagata, Japan)
(36) 石川 弘樹, 佐藤 英明, 奥田 花也, 對比地 孝亘, Daniel L. Brinkman (Hiroki Ishikawa, Hideaki Sato, Hanaya Okuda, Takanobu Tsuihiji, Daniel L. Brinkman) (2024). 獣脚類の遊離歯に保存された“咬み跡”の記載とその古生物学的解釈 (Description of a “bite mark” on an isolated theropod tooth and its paleobiological implications). 日本古生物学会 (Annual Meeting of the Paleontological Society of Japan). 高知 (Kochi, Japan)
(35) Hanaya Okuda (2024). Roles of clay minerals in seismogenesis in shallow subduction zones investigated by laboratory friction experiments. 61st Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society and 5th Asian Clay Conference. Honolulu, HI, USA - Invited, CSSJ Yound Researcher's Award
(34) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2024). 沈み込み帯浅部における粘土鉱物の摩擦特性 (Frictional properties of clay minerals in shallow subduction zones). JpGU. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan) - 招待講演 (Invited)
(33) 奥田 花也, André R. Niemeijer, 高橋 美紀, 山口 飛鳥, Christopher J. Spiers (Hanaya Okuda, André R. Niemeijer, Miki Takahashi, Asuka Yamaguchi, Christopher J. Spiers) (2024). 海洋地殻玄武岩と流体の相互作用による曹長石の形成がもたらす海溝型巨大地震の発生メカニズムへの影響 (Albitization due to interaction between seawater and seafloor basalt increases the potential of megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones). JpGU. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan) - 招待講演 (Invited)
(32) Yuya Akamatsu, Hanaya Okuda, Manami Kitamura, Michiyo Sawai (2024). Multiscale crack distribution in subsuction zone and its implication for scale dependence of seismic velocity. JpGU. Chiba, Japan - Invited
(31) Shunsuke Takemura, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda, Yutaro Okada, Kurama Okubo, Takeshi Akuhara, Akemi Noda, Takashi Tonegawa (2024). Toward a comprehensive understanding of shallow slow earthquakes: a review of key studies along the Nankai Trough and future perspectives. JpGU. Chiba, Japan - Invited
(30) Ayumu Miyakawa, Hanaya Okuda (2024). Impacts of rheological variations along plate boundary in subduction zones for deep slow earthquakes. JpGU. Chiba, Japan
(29) 山口 飛鳥, 福地 里菜, 濱田 洋平, 高下 裕章, 川村 喜一郎, 井尻 暁, 奥田 花也, 浜橋 真理, 照井 孝之介, 細川 貴弘, 辰巳 寛二, 芦 寿一郎, 笠谷 貴史, 木下 正高, 亀尾 浩司, 久保田 好美, 辻 健, 白石 和也, 木村 学 (Asuka Yamaguchi, Rina Fukuchi, Yohei hamada, Hirokai Koge, Kiichiro Kawamura, Akira Ijiri, Hanaya Okuda, Mari Hamahashi, Konosuke Terui, Takahiro Hosokawa, Kanji Tatsumi, Juichiro Ashi, Takafumi Kasaya, Masataka Kinoshita, Koji Kameo, Yoshimi Kubota, Takeshi Tsuji, Kazuya Shiraishi, Gaku Kimura) (2023). 潮岬海底谷の潜航調査に基づく南海付加体発達史の更新と大地震セグメント境界の地質学的実態解明:「よこすか」YK23-10S航海報告 (Submersible survey along the Shionomisaki submarine canyon in the Nankai Trough: Preliminary results of R/V Yokosuka YK23-10S cruise). JpGU. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan)
(28) 山口 飛鳥, 福地 里菜, 濱田 洋平, 高下 裕章, 川村 喜一郎, 井尻 暁, 奥田 花也, 浜橋 真理, 照井 孝之介, 細川 貴弘, 辰巳 寛二, 芦 寿一郎, 笠谷 貴史, 木下 正高, 亀尾 浩司, 久保田 好美, 辻 健, 白石 和也, 木村 学 (Asuka Yamaguchi, Rina Fukuchi, Yohei hamada, Hirokai Koge, Kiichiro Kawamura, Akira Ijiri, Hanaya Okuda, Mari Hamahashi, Konosuke Terui, Takahiro Hosokawa, Kanji Tatsumi, Juichiro Ashi, Takafumi Kasaya, Masataka Kinoshita, Koji Kameo, Yoshimi Kubota, Takeshi Tsuji, Kazuya Shiraishi, Gaku Kimura) (2023). 「よこすか」YK23-10S航海報告:潮岬海底谷の潜航調査に基づく南海付加体発達史の更新と大地震セグメント境界の地質学的実態解明 (Report of R/V Yokosuka YK23-10S cruise: Updating tectonic evolution of the Nankai accretionary prism and geological structures of the boundary between segments of megathrust earthquakes based on submersible survey along Shionomisaki submarine canyon). 海と地球のシンポジウム2023 (Symposium on Ocean and Earth 2023). 東京 (Tokyo, Japan)
(27) Hanaya Okuda (2024). Sediment diagenesis, temperature and frictional properties. First Joint International Earthquake Science Symposium. Austin, TX, USA
--2023--(26) 山口 飛鳥, 福地 里菜, 濱田 洋平, 高下 裕章, 川村 喜一郎, 井尻 暁, 奥田 花也, 浜橋 真理, 照井 孝之介, 細川 貴弘, 辰巳 寛二, 芦 寿一郎, 笠谷 貴史, 木下 正高, 亀尾 浩司, 久保田 好美, 辻 健, 白石 和也, 木村 学 (Asuka Yamaguchi, Rina Fukuchi, Yohei hamada, Hirokai Koge, Kiichiro Kawamura, Akira Ijiri, Hanaya Okuda, Mari Hamahashi, Konosuke Terui, Takahiro Hosokawa, Kanji Tatsumi, Juichiro Ashi, Takafumi Kasaya, Masataka Kinoshita, Koji Kameo, Yoshimi Kubota, Takeshi Tsuji, Kazuya Shiraishi, Gaku Kimura) (2023). 潮岬海底谷の潜航調査に基づく南海付加体発達史の更新と大地震セグメント境界の地質学的実態解明:「よこすか」YK23-10S航海速報 (Updating tectonic evolution of the Nankai accretionary prism and geological structures of the boundary between segments of megathrust earthquakes based on submersible survey along Shionomisaki submarine canyon: Initial report of R/V Yokosuka YK23-10S cruise). 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). 京都 (Kyoto, Japan)
(25) Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose, Asuka Yamaguchi (2023). Weakening of clayey gouge at intermediate velocities and its potential effect on slow earthquakes. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2023. Tokyo, Japan
(24) Asuka Yamaguchi, Rina Fukuchi, Yohei hamada, Hirokai Koge, Kiichiro Kawamura, Akira Ijiri, Hanaya Okuda, Mari Hamahashi, Konosuke Terui, Takahiro Hosokawa, Kanji Tatsumi, Juichiro Ashi, Takafumi Kasaya, Masataka Kinoshita, Koji Kameo, Yoshimi Kubota, Takeshi Tsuji, Kazuya Shiraishi, Gaku Kimura (2023). Preliminary results of R/V Yokosuka YK23-10S cruise: submersible survey along the Shionomisaki submarine canyon in the Nankai Trough. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2023. Tokyo, Japan
(23) Asuka Yamaguchi, Hitomi Mizuno, Hanaya Okuda, Takashi Sano, Akira Ijiri, Minoru Ikehara (2023). Geochemical evidence of seawater percolation into subducting pelagic siliceous sediments. WRI-17/AIG-14. Miyagi, Japan
(22) Trishit Ruj, Hanaya Okuda, Tomohiro Usui, Goro Komatsu, Hitoshi Hasegawa, Shun Mihira, Makito Kobayashi (2023). The Amazonian declining trends of Martian atmospheric water revealed from surface signatures. JpGU Annual Meeting. Chiba, Japan
--2022--(21) Trishit Ruj, Hanaya Okuda, Tomohiro Usui, Goro Komatsu (2022). Skewed concentric crater fill deposits in the northern mid-latitude of Mars. 2nd MetMeSS 2022. Ahmedabad, India
(20) 奥田 花也, 廣瀬 丈洋, 山口 飛鳥 (Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose, Asuka Yamaguchi) (2022). 粘土鉱物を含む断層ガウジの中速度域での摩擦特性 (Frictional behavior of clayey gouge at intermediate velocity range). 日本地震学会 (Seismological Society of Japan, Fall meeting). 北海道 (Hokkaido, Japan)
(19) 奥田 花也, André R. Niemeijer, 高橋 美紀, 山口 飛鳥, Christopher J. Spiers (Hanaya Okuda, André R. Niemeijer, Miki Takahashi, Asuka Yamaguchi, Christopher J. Spiers) (2022). 海溝型地震発生メカニズムの解明に向けた水熱環境下での玄武岩の摩擦実験 (Hydrothermal friction experiments on simulated basaltic fault gouge and implications for megathrust earthquakes). JpGU Annual Meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan) - 招待講演 (Invited)
(18) Hanaya Okuda, Asuka Yamaguchi (2022). Laboratory friction experiments for understanding fault slip behavior in the shallow Nankai subduction zone. JpGU Annual Meeting. Chiba, Japan - Invited
(17) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2022). 博士課程学生の在外研究の例: ユトレヒト大学(オランダ) (Case of a visiting PhD student at Utrecht University, the Netherlands). JpGU Annual Meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan) - 招待講演 (Invited)
(16) Asuka Yamaguchi, Ippei Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Nakamura, Yumiko Harigane, Hanaya Okuda (2022). Conglomeratic sandstone-derived mylonite discovered from a highly metamorphosed Cretaceous accretionary complex. JpGU Annual Meeting. Chiba, Japan- Invited
--2021--(15) 藤岡 里帆, 片山 郁夫, 北村 真奈美, 奥田 花也, 廣瀬 丈洋 (Riho Fujioka, Ikuo Katayama, Manami Kitamura, Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose) (2021). 南海トラフC0002掘削地点でのカッティングス試料を用いた摩擦特性プロファイルの作成 (Depth profile of frictional properties inferred from cuttings obtained at the Nankai Trough C0002 drilling site). 日本鉱物科学会 (Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences Annual Meeting). Online
(14) Asuka Yamaguchi, Yuichi Okuma, Hanaya Okuda, Ippei Yamamoto, Rina Fukuchi (2021). Geological factors affecting broad spectrum of fault behavior in subduction zones. International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021. Online
(13) 山口 飛鳥, 大熊 祐一, 奥田 花也, 山本 一平, 福地 里菜 (Asuka Yamaguchi, Yuichi Okuma, Hanaya Okuda, Ippei Yamamoto, Rina Fukuchi) (2021). 沈み込み帯の断層挙動の多様性をもたらす地質学的要因 (Geological factors affecting broad spectrum of fault behavior in subduction zones). 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). Online
(12) 片山 郁夫, 藤岡 里帆, 北村 真奈美, 奥田 花也, 廣瀬 丈洋 (Ikuo Katayama, Riho Fujioka, Manami Kitamura, Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose) (2021). 南海トラフ掘削試料の摩擦特性プロファイルから推察する浅部スロー地震の発生プロセス (Depth profile of frictional properties of cuttings collected from the Nankai Trough and implications for shallow slow-earthquakes). 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). Online
(11) 奥田 花也, 廣瀬 丈洋, 山口 飛鳥 (Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose, Asuka Yamaguchi) (2021). 島弧海溝系における堆積物のすべり特性解明に向けた火山ガラス-粘土混合系の摩擦実験 (Friction experiments on volcanic glass-clay mixtures toward understanding the slip behavior of sediments near trench-arc system). JpGU Annual Meeting. Online
(10) Trishit Ruj, Goro Komatsu, Kenji Kawai, Hanaya Okuda, Zhiyong Xiao, Deepak Dhingra (2021). Recent boulder falls within the Finsen crater, an assessment of ongoing geological activities. JpGU Annual Meeting. Online
--2020--(9) Asuka Yamaguchi, Ippei Yamamoto, Yuichi Okuma, Kodai Kato, Yuji Kato, Kaoru Kubota, Kenichiro Tani, Hiroaki Koge, Jinyu Zhou, Hanaya Okuda, Takashi Hakomori, Minoru Ikehara (2020). Characteristics of sediments cored from the South Shetland Trench. The 11th Symposium on Polar Science. Online
(8) 奥田 花也, Matt J. Ikari, Alexander Roesner, Katja Stanislowski, Andre Hüpers, 山口 飛鳥, Achim J. Kopf (Hanaya Okuda, Matt J. Ikari, Alexander Roesner, Katja Stanislowski, Andre Hüpers, Asuka Yamaguchi, Achim J. Kopf) (2020). 南海トラフ付加体を構成する堆積物の摩擦特性の時空間変化 (Spatiotemporal variation in frictional behavior within the Nankai accretionary prism). 日本地質学会構造地質部会 (Geological Society of Japan, Annual meeting of Structural Geology group). Online
(7) Hanaya Okuda, Matt J. Ikari, Alexander Roesner, Katja Stanislowski, Andre Hüpers, Asuka Yamaguchi, Achim J. Kopf (2020). Spatiotemporal variation in frictional behavior within the Nankai accretionary prism. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting. Online
--2019--(6) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2019). Gibbsite(001)面の第一原理電子状態計算による摩擦特性の研究 (First-principles study on frictional characteristics of gibbsite). 平成30年度後期「若手・女性利用者推薦」成果報告会 (FY2018 Results Presentation Session for Recommended Young Researchers and Women Researchers, 2nd semester). 東京 (Tokyo, Japan)
--2018--(5) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2018). Bruciteのナノスケール摩擦における水平方向非一様性に関する研究 (A lateral-heterogeneity on atomic-scale frictional characteristics of brucite). 平成30年度前期「若手・女性利用者推薦」成果報告会 (FY2018 Results Presentation Session for Recommended Young Researchers and Women Researchers, 1st semester). 東京 (Tokyo, Japan)
(4) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2018). bruciteの積層不整様式の決定とその摩擦特性 (Structure determination of the stacking disorder of brucite and its frictional characteristics). 平成29年度後期「若手・女性利用者推薦」成果報告会 (FY2017 Results Presentation Session for Recommended Young Researchers and Women Researchers, 2nd semester). 東京 (Tokyo, Japan)
(3) 奥田 花也, 片山 郁夫, 佐久間 博, 河合 研志 (Hanaya Okuda, Ikuo Katayama, Hiroshi Sakuma, Kenji Kawai) (2018). bruciteナノ粒子のvelocity-weakeningへの寄与 (Contribution of brucite nanoparticles to velocity-weakening). JpGU Annual Meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan)
--2017--(2) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2017). bruciteの(0001)面における摩擦特性の決定 (First-principles investigation on frictional characteristics of brucite (0001) plane). 平成29年度前期「若手・女性利用者推薦」成果報告会 (FY2017 Results Presentation Session for Recommended Young Researchers and Women Researchers, 1st semester). 東京 (Tokyo, Japan)
(1) 奥田 花也, 河合 研志, 佐久間 博 (Hanaya Okuda, Kenji Kawai, Hiroshi Sakuma) (2017). brucite (001)面における真の接触面での摩擦特性 (Frictional characteristics of brucite (001) plane on the real contact area). JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan) - 学生優秀発表賞 (Outstanding presentation award)
(6) 19.Feb.2024. Tectonophysics seminar, Texas A&M University, USA
(5) 25.Mar.2023. CIG webinar, online. - Invited
(4) 31.Jan.2022. SOLIST seminar, Japan. - Invited
(3) 03.Dec.2021. Earth Structures and Simulations seminar, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
(2) 19.Nov.2021. Structural Geology and Tectonics seminar, ETHZ, Switzerland
(1) 17.Nov.2021. EPFL, Switzerland
(39) Hanaya Okuda, Jumpei Yoshioka (2024). Influence of silica diagenesis on frictional behavior: possible controlling factor for seismic activities in the Japan Trench. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024. Oita, Japan
(38) Yuya Akamatsu, Hanaya Okuda, Manami Kitamura, Michiyo Sawai (2024). Role of mesoscale fractures in the scale dependences of seismic velocity and fluid flow in subduction zones. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024. Oita, Japan
(37) Yohei Hamada, Nana Kamiya, Keisuke Nakamoto, Hanaya Okuda, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Hinako Hosono (2024). Formation Process and Physical Property Distribution of the Upper Prism in the Japan Trench. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024. Oita, Japan
(36) Dyuti Prakash Sarkar, Takehiro Hirose, Wataru Tanikawa, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda (2024). Evolution of frictional properties during multiple slip-pulse experiments on gabbroic faults and its implications on earthquake energetics. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024. Oita, Japan
(35) 奥田 花也, 吉岡 純平 (Hanaya Okuda, Jumpei Yoshioka) (2024). 石英および珪質堆積物の摩擦強度回復特性の解明に向けた直接剪断型摩擦実験機構の構築 (Developement of direct shear assembly in triaxial apparatus for understanding frictional healing properties of quartz and siliceous sediments). 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). 山形 (Yamagata, Japan)
(34) Dyuti Prakash Sarkar, Takehiro Hirose, Wataru Tanikawa, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda (2024). Multi-stage high-velocity slip experiments to elucidate frictional evolution and earthquake energetics in gabbroic faults. 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). 山形 (Yamagata, Japan)
(33) Hanaya Okuda, Jumpei Yoshioka (2024). Slide-hold-slide experiments on siliceous sediments toward understanding shallow slip processes in the Japan Trench. Gordon Research Seminar/Conference. Maine, USA
(32) 奥田 花也, 赤松 祐哉, 北村 真奈美, 澤井 みち代 (Hanaya Okuda, Yuya Akamatsu, Manami Kitamura, Michiyo Sawai) (2024). 四万十帯須崎地域の付加体岩石の物理特性:地震発生帯上盤の実態解明に向けて (On physical properties of sedimentary rocks in the Susaki area, Shimanto accretionary complex: possible nature of the hanging wall of décollement in the seimogenic zone). JpGU Annual meeting. Chiba, Japan
(31) 奥田 花也, 吉岡 純平 (Hanaya Okuda, Jumpei Yoshioka) (2024). 三軸試験機への直接剪断機構の導入:珪質堆積物のslide-hold-slideテストの例 (Development of direct shear assembly in triaxial apparatus: preliminary results of slide-hold-slide tests on siliceous sediment). JpGU Annual meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan)
(30) Hanaya Okuda, Wataru Tanikawa, Yohei Hamada, Keishi Okazaki, John Bedford, Takehiro Hirose (2024). Abrupt host rock fragmentation induced by fluid phase transition during fault slip and its impact on earthquake energy partitioning. JpGU. Chiba, Japan
(29) Yohei Hamada, Nana Kamiya, Keisuike Nakamoto, Hanaya Okuda, Yoshitaka Hashimoto (2024). ReCoRD program for Understanding the Formation Process and Physical Property Distribution of the Upper Prism in the Japan Trench (ReC23-02). JpGU Annual meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan)
(28) Takehiro Hirose, Wataru Tanikawa, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda (2024). Mechanical evolution of gabbro faults during sequence of high-velocity slip pulses with frictional melting. JpGU Annual meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan)
--2023--(27) Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose, Asuka Yamaguchi (2023). Slip-weakening behavior of volcanic glass-smectite mixture at intermediate velocity conditions: implication for slow earthquakes. AGU 2023 Fall meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA
(26) 武村 俊介, 濱田 洋平, 奥田 花也, 岡田 悠太郎, 大久保 蔵馬, 悪原 岳, 野田 朱美, 利根川 貴志 (Shunsuke Takemura, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda, Yutaro Okada, Kurama Okubo, Takeshi Akuhara, Akemi Noda, Takashi Tonegawa) (2023). 南海トラフ浅部スロー地震の理解へ向けた多面的レビュー (A comprehensive review of shallow slow earthquakes in Nankai). 日本地震学会 (Seismological Society of Japan, Fall meeting). 神奈川 (Kanagawa, Japan)
(25) Hanaya Okuda, Manami Kitamura, Miki Takahashi, Asuka Yamaguchi (2023). Influence of sediment diagenesis on frictional behavior of sediments and earthquakes in shallow subduction zones. Cargèse 2023 School on Subduction Zone Processes. Corsica, France
(24) Ayumu Miyakawa, Hanaya Okuda (2023). Formaon of brile-ducle block-in-matrix structures along plate boundary in subducon zone. Cargèse 2023 School on Subduction Zone Processes. Corsica, France
(23) Hanaya Okuda, Matt J. Ikari, Alexander Roesner, Katja Stanislowski, Andre Hüpers, Asuka Yamaguchi, Achim J. Kopf (2023). Spatial pattern of frictional properties in the shallow Nankai Trough. IODP NanTroSEIZE Synthesis Workshop. Kanagawa, Japan
(22) Matt J. Ikari, Katja Stanislowski, Junli Zhang, Hanaya Okuda (2023). Frictional Analysis of the Deep Accretionary Prism Sample C0002T-2K1. IODP NanTroSEIZE Synthesis Workshop. Kanagawa, Japan
(21) Takehiro Hirose, Riho Fujioka, Ikuo Katayama, Manami Kitamura, Hanaya Okuda (2023). Frictional properties of cuttings collected from Site C0002; their implication for slow earthquakes in the Nankai accretionary prism. IODP NanTroSEIZE Synthesis Workshop. Kanagawa, Japan
(20) Ayumu Miyakawa, Hanaya Okuda (2023). Formation of brittle-ductile block-in-matrix structures along plate boundary shear zones. Geomod 2023. Paris, France
(19) 奥田 花也, 廣瀬 丈洋, 山口 飛鳥 (Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose, Asuka Yamaguchi) (2023). 火山ガラスースメクタイト混合系の中速度域での摩擦特性 (Frictional behavior of volcanic glass-smectite mixture at intermediate velocity range). 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). 京都 (Kyoto, Japan)
(18) 浜橋 真理, 高下 裕章, 照井 孝之介, 福地 里菜, 川村 喜一郎, 奥田 花也, 山口 飛鳥, 濱田 洋平, 井尻 暁, 辰巳 寛二, 細川 貴弘 (Mari Hamahashi, Hiroaki Koge, Konosuke Terui, Rina Fukuchi, Kiichiro Kawamura, Hanaya Okuda, Asuka Yamaguchi, Yohei Hamada, Akira Ijiri, Kanji Tatsumi, Takahiro Hosokawa) (2023). Documentation of channel morphology and backscatter intensity facies along the Shionomisaki Canyon, Nankai Trough, using newly acquired multi-beam bathymetry data and surface sediment cores. 日本地質学会 (Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan). 京都 (Kyoto, Japan)
(17) Hanaya Okuda, Manami Kitamura, Miki Takahashi, Asuka Yamaguchi (2023). Transition in frictional behavior of sediment in the shallow Nankai Trough. WRI-17/AIG-14. Miyagi, Japan
(16) 奥田 花也, 北村 真奈美, 高橋 美紀, 山口 飛鳥 (Hanaya Okuda, Manami Kitamura, Miki Takahashi, Asuka Yamaguchi) (2023). スメクタイトのイライト化が及ぼす南海トラフ浅部での断層挙動への影響 (Influence of smectite-illite transition on fault frictional behavior in the shallow Nankai Trough). JpGU Annual Meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan)
(15) Ayumu Miyakawa, Hanaya Okuda (2023). Brittle deformation to ductile deformation in subduction zone: numerical simulation for deformation on sediments and oceanic basalts. JpGU Annual Meeting. Chiba, Japan
(14) Shunsuke Takemura, Yohei Hamada, Hanaya Okuda, Yutaro Okada, Kurama Okubo, Takeshi Akuhara, Akemi Noda, Takashi Tonegawa (2023). Shallow Slow Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough. Slow-to-Fast earthquake workshop in Taiwan. Tainan, Taiwan
--2022--(13) Hanaya Okuda, Manami Kitamura, Miki Takahashi, Asuka Yamaguchi (2022). Role of smectite-illite transition in the onset of seismogenic zone in subduction zones from experimental viewpoints. International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2022. Nara, Japan
(12) Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose, Asuka Yamaguchi (2022). Wet clay induces fault weakening and re-strengthening at intermediate velocity conditions. Gordon Research Seminar/Conference. Maine, USA
(11) Trishit Ruj, Pierre-Antoine Tesson, Hanaya Okuda, Tomohiro Usui, Goro Komatsu, Gene W. Schmidt, Shun Mihira (2022). Effects of solar radiation on the glacial deposits distributed at northern low to mid-latitudes of Mars. 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022. Online
--2021--(10) Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose, Asuka Yamaguchi (2021). Effects of smectite content and velocity on frictional behavior of volcanic glass-smectite mixtures: implication for fault slip behavior in shallow subduction zones. Earthquakes (3rd edition) Nucleation, triggering, and relationships with aseismic processes. Corsica, France
(9) Riho Fujioka, Ikuo Katayama, Manami Kitamura, Hanaya Okuda, Takehiro Hirose (2021). Frictional coefficient and its velocity dependence of cuttings retrieved from the Nankai accretionary prism at IODP Site C0002. JpGU Annual Meeting. Online
(8) Trishit Ruj, Goro Komatsu, Kenji Kawai, Hanaya Okuda, Zhiyong Xiao, Deepak Dhingra (2021). Boulder tracks within Finsen Crater: evaluation of triggers. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021. Online
--2020--(7) Hanaya Okuda, Kenji Kawai, Hiroshi Sakuma (2020). First-principles investigation of brucite and gibbsite: An application to their macroscopic frictional characteristics. AGU 2020 Fall meeting. Online
(6) 奥田 花也, 片山 郁夫, 佐久間 博, 河合 研志 (Hanaya Okuda, Ikuo Katayama, Hiroshi Sakuma, Kenji Kawai)(2020). 乾燥および含水下におけるbruciteの弱く不安定な摩擦挙動 (Weak and unstable frictional behaviors of brucite under dry and wet condition). JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting. Online
--2019--(5) Hanaya Okuda, Ikuo Katayama, Hiroshi Sakuma, Kenji Kawai (2019). Slip- and velocity-weakening behaviors of brucite nanoparticles. GeoProc2019: Earthquake and Faulting mechanics 7th International Conference on Coupled THMC Processes in Geosystems. Utrecht, the Netherlands
(4) 奥田 花也, 河合 研志, 佐久間 博 (Hanaya Okuda, Kenji Kawai, Hiroshi Sakuma) (2019). 第一原理計算による層状鉱物gibbsiteの摩擦特性の研究 (First-principles study on frictional characteristics of gibbsite). JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting. 千葉 (Chiba, Japan)
(3) Hanaya Okuda, Kenji Kawai, Hiroshi Sakuma, Ikuo Katayama (2019). First-principles investigation for frictional characteristics of brucite and its application for macroscopic frictional characteristics of sheet-structure minerals. Second International Symposium on Crustal Dynamics (ISCD-2). Kyoto, Japan
--2018--(2) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2018). Brucite のナノスケール摩擦における水平方向非一様性に関する研究 (A lateral-heterogeneiety on atomic-scale frictional characteristics of brucite). 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点(JHPCN)第10回シンポジウム (Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-Scale Information Infrastructure 10th Symposium). 東京 (Tokyo, Japan)
--2017--(1) 奥田 花也 (Hanaya Okuda) (2017). Brucite の(001)面における真の接触面での摩擦特性 (Frictional characteristics of brucite (001) plane on the real contact area). 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点(JHPCN)第9回シンポジウム (Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-Scale Information Infrastructure 9th Symposium). 東京 (Tokyo, Japan)